In 2025 we are SO proud to be supporting CancerCare Manitoba.
Click the button or scan the QR code to visit their secure donation page and directly support them. NEW FOR THIS YEAR: If you want to represent your favourite team, click their name on the right, then click Donate.
Let's make 2025 the year we raise $100,000!

About the CancerCare Manitoba Foundation
These funds support an internationally-recognized team of health professionals at CancerCare Manitoba who provide outstanding care for patients and their families.
Our mission, in partnership with our donors, is to support CancerCare’s strategic priorities. Your generosity enables the Foundation to maximize the funds provided to CancerCare Manitoba each year. Donor contributions help bridge the gap of initiatives and programs not eligible for government funding or where financial resources are not available, including prevention, early detection, clinical trials and leading-edge research and treatment. Thanks to the generosity of donors, CancerCare Manitoba Foundation has been able to grant more than $222 million since 2000. This support to CancerCare Manitoba profoundly impacts patient outcomes.